Taking Care Of Business: Caring For Glasses And Contacts

If you have just got a pair of prescription glasses or contact lenses to correct certain vision problems, then you want to learn how to properly care for them. While it may seem as if they require no maintenance, there are actually some things you should do and others you should avoid in order to keep them in great shape for as long as possible. The information offered here will educate you on the best ways to ensure you get the most out of your prescription eyewear.

Always store them properly

Glasses: When you take off your glasses, you should always put them in their storage case. For one thing, this makes it easy for you to find them, especially if you have a very hard time seeing without them. It will also help to keep them from getting dust on them. It also helps ensure they don't get knocked on the floor, increasing the chances of them getting broken.

Contacts: Put your contacts in their case as well, making sure the case has enough soaking solution in it and that you change out the solution often, so you don't risk the chance of bacteria growing in the case and getting on the contacts.

Clean them correctly

Glasses: Many people get in the habit of cleaning off their glasses using their shirt. If you are wearing an extremely soft shirt, then this may be okay. However, most shirts are made with fabric that is rough enough to put little scratches in the lenses. You may be given a small piece of cleaning material when you get your glasses.

Contacts: To clean your contacts, you want to use your middle finger and your thumb to gently rub them, while using the cleaning solution. Once you have cleaned them, rinse them off a final time with more solution and put them either in your eyes or in their storage case.

Don't wear them in certain conditions

Glasses: You should avoid wearing your glasses when you are in a dust storm, so they don't end up getting scratched by small flecks of dust. Also, try not to wear them with protective head gear if you can instead wear contacts. This way, you don't run the risk of having them broken.

Contacts: Wearing your contacts in certain conditions can cause them to irritate your eyes or even become damaged. Some examples of conditions you don't want to wear your contacts in include dust storms, extreme winds, in areas with a lot of paint fumes or when you are swimming. Also, if you find that your contacts are bothering you more than normal, you should take them out and clean them. They may have some dust on them that is causing them to hurt your eyes. Also, make sure that the contacts don't have any small tears in them.

Now that you are well aware of how to care for your prescription lenses, you can avoid needing to have them repaired or replaced. 
