Can Your Computer Be Harming Your Eyes?

If you send a lot of time on your computer, you may be increasing your risk of suffering from a vision problem referred to as computer vision syndrome. The symptoms of this syndrome can present themselves in different ways from person to person and it can be more severe in some patients than others. You can learn about computer vision syndrome in this article, as well as what can be done to prevent or treat the condition.

The symptoms of computer vision syndrome

Symptoms can include neck pain, shoulder pain, frequent headaches, changes in eyesight, red eyes, itchy eyes, dry eyes, burning eyes and blurry vision. Some people may experience one or two of these symptoms, while others may have them all.

Some of the factors that can determine the severity of a person's symptoms include using a computer in a dimly lit room, sitting too close to the computer screen, preexisting vision problems that haven't been corrected and hunching over the computer when using it.

How to prevent the development of computer vision syndrome

There are many ways you can help to prevent yourself from developing this syndrome. You want to set your computer up in a room with good lighting and on a desk that's at a comfortable height. Your chair should fit the desk so you sit comfortably in front of it without hunching over. Make sure you take breaks from the computer and give your eyes a break when you are on it by looking away from the computer screen and focusing on something across the room for a minute every few minutes.

The syndrome can lead to permanent damage

In many cases, the symptoms of computer vision syndrome will subside once a person affected by it makes changes to the way they spend time on their computer. However, other people can find that certain symptoms will stay with them. Some of these long-term symptoms can include blurry vision and other changes in eyesight.

The importance of regular eye exams

Going in for regular eye exams with a care provider like Complete Family Vision Care will help you to catch any changes in your vision quickly. When these changes are found, they can be dealt with, which may require you to wear prescription lenses. When you develop vision problems, it's important for you to wear your glasses or contacts when you are supposed to. This will help decrease your chances of developing many of the symptoms of computer vision syndrome and help slow down the progression of many vision disorders.
